Solicitors or Speakers, Really?

We often wonder if you read completely through our website seeking the Speaking Engagements or Dates of State or National Meetings we speak at? We don’t! Unlike other Consultants, we do not pay “rent” on a room to speak. Nor do we “reserve” a place to invite an audience.

OH, you thought every Consultant or Practice Management Consultant was “invited” to speak? So prestigious that ADA, AACD or other larger Associations waited in a long line of opportunity just to have the Consultant “speak” at their meetings too? NOPE! The Consultant or Practice Management Guru paid to have that audience!

Are you surprised? Why? Don’t you realize that they are soliciting your Practices? Not all are possibly but many do. They all used to be invited on their expertise and integrity. They often invited you to “Drop by our Booth” at the exhibit hall. If you are an Invited Speaker, the rules are you can not do a personal/professional commercial!

Dental Practice by Design is saving the funds so we can offer you an opportunity to afford our services. We don’t spend thousands on rooms at meetings or booth space. We come to you by means of our own making. To your personal locations.

We do speak. We are speakers, to you and your Team on things you need to hear so you may ask questions privately. Not in a room of hundreds.

I hope this educates you on the “Why don’t you speak at Meetings?”Dentalmeetings0723-dealers-sat