“SWAP, Sealed With A Prayer!” The Story Of A Lowe’s Employee

The LORD will send you in the direction of HIS people who need HIM.

Yesterday Mark, my husband, and I had errands to run which included Lowes for “stuff”. There is a little man who works at Lowes that’s name is Ray Martin. We first met Ray when we were looking for something we couldn’t find a few months ago. He approached us, as we were looking lost because we were, and said, “Hello I am Ray. I am your PSA, what can I help you with?” I asked, “What is a PSA?” He smiles and said, “Personal Shopping Assistant.” He went on to explain that he made that up but often stays near the front door watching for shoppers who quickly pull a list out of their pocket after walking into the store. Ray told us the most interesting story about how he, at 75 years old, acquired a position at Lowes.

Ray said he was recently divorced. His wife gave him a divorce for their 50th anniversary! Oh my how sad. He said it with a sense of humor but I could tell it wasn’t really funny to him. He then went on to say he moved to Bryan, Texas from another state. He wanted to work here but rapidly he discovered he would be competing for a position with students from Texas A&M, much younger than he was. Ray took a little pad of paper and went to the store for weeks walking up and down isles until he remembered everything on every shelf! Yes, he studied the store!

Ray then went and applied. When he was interviewed, he explained they should hire him because he knows the store better than any other kid 1/3 his age. The store manager asked him to locate several things. He didn’t have to get off his chair. He told them exactly what shelf and where! Oh my gosh, I can’t even do that in my house.

So now each time I go to Lowes, I purposely look for Ray. Yesterday he had just put his Lowes vest on when we found him. He helped us locate what we were shopping for. We invited Ray for our family Thanksgiving. He graciously declined because he is assisting in preparing meals for those less fortunate! Such a sweet gesture for a lonely little man.

Ray and I often visit about our families when I am shopping at Lowes. He shared with me he had written a letter to his x-wife and has carried it on the seat of his car for two weeks now. I asked why he didn’t mail it? He said he was not supposed to “contact” her after the divorce! I don’t know what was in the letter but it seemed extremely important. He said he had asked his son to call his Mom and ask her if he could mail the letter to her? She agreed! I asked him to to pray before he mailed it. “Ray, say a prayer before you mail it. Ask GOD to have her receive the letter as you intended.” He began to cry. He asked, “Do you remember when we put SWAK, Sealed With A Kiss, on the back of the envelopes to our sweethearts in highschool?” He said he wrote SWAP on the letter. Sealed With A Prayer! OMG! He cried, I cried and looked back and Mark was crying too, in Lowes! I reached out and wrapped Ray in my arms! I just couldn’t let go as he cried. I had tears streaming down my face, so did Mark. Then he gathered himself up and went on his way!
GOD sends us to minister, to be a messenger of HIS love, to hold those who HE knows is hurting. Don’t pass them by.

God has woven all our lives together. Loving others is not simply a polite after-thought when speaking of intimacy with God, but an integral part of what it means to love, and be loved by God. When you love me I am receiving God’s love, and at the same time you are loving God through me. Jesus said, “As you’ve done it unto the least of these my brethren, you’ve done it unto me.” Intimacy with God is not an isolated relationship, but one that intertwines all of our lives.

Afforable Healthcare Act

This article is stepping out on a branch that may not be the most liked in all my blogs but I am saying what my opinion is, not everyone elses. The Affordable Healthcare Act is the biggest media driven disgust since the “blue dress” of Clinton scandal. I seem to have a difference of opinion as many that will read this post. Please think about this a moment.

In my business, we have the opportunity to help change a nation of “the world owes me a living” generation I have such disgust about. Many of our team members are beautiful young women who want the best for their children and themselves. Many also just want an 8-5 job and their attention to not wanting to learn is painfully obvious. We want the doctors and teams to live the life they deserve of abundance and pride.

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, rather a lack of will.” – Vince Lombardi

Thinking about the Affordable Healthcare Act, at my age (Baby Boomer), I am beginning to rethink my income and the opportunity to retire or use my Social Security Income. Do you know what Social Security was intended to be?

Under the 1935 law, what we now think of as Social Security only paid retirement benefits to the primary worker. A 1939 change in the law added survivors benefits and benefits for the retiree’s spouse and children. In 1956 disability benefits were added. Keep in mind, however, that the Social Security Act itself was much broader than just the program which today we commonly describe as “Social Security.” The original 1935 law contained the first national unemployment compensation program, aid to the states for various health and welfare programs, and the Aid to Dependent Children program.

That began the “Oh if I don’t work, or if I don’t make a certain amount of money, I can get a check from the government” society. Add having children that “don’t have daddies” in the picture, you get an immediate raise. I wonder how they have children with a daddy somewhere? I understand death and destruction of income to support a family, I have been there. I never received a check I didn’t earn by working.

What is my point? Obama Care is finally trying to say work, buy your own insurance! Or pay your own medical bills. Maybe if we added it to our budgets, like food, it would have never been an issue. I have team members that have children on Medicaid. She had the baby free, well not free actually, you and I paid for that. The daddy is present, they chose not to marry because the free care and checks would stop, WHAT kind of benefit is that? One of those who do work, pays for! I have a team member who never wants to make a bonus because her income would make her unable to get assistance. She lives with her Mom, has a baby, daddy is gone now he left, and she just bought a new car her Mom co-signed for. REALLY? Oh did I mention she has no insurance, can’t afford it?

There is another team member that complains the benefits of the practice won’t cover insurance. She lives in a gated community, has a brand new car, goes to Ladies Night at the highest end Restaurant Bar in our community and dresses better than I do. She wants who to pay for her insurance? You and I or the dentist she works for. Hey, she works 4 days a week. Part time job? What is that?

This generation, I am not talking about every single human being, needs to get off their lazy rears and work for what they need. Stop buying Iphones like they are drugs, speaking of drugs, a big screen TV, $400 purses, $100 hair cuts and colors, tatoos, need I go on? Work for what you need, afford the rest when available. Educate yourself and use your brain and skill to obtain a better job!

The government has allowed this generation to set at home, play video games on a 50 inch screen television, have someone else mow the yard, Mom do the laundry and cook dinner….Or is it the government’s fault? Or is it ours?

Ouch that hurt didn’t it? We are a nation of freedom. I am proud to live in America. Bill Clinton said at a meeting we recently attended, “More than half the world lives on half a bowl of rice and $2.00 a day”. No wonder they all want to come to America. Every thing, if you play your cards right, is free!

Please understand that I am well aware some people have disabilities, our seniors and many others need assistance. I do understand. However, I also understand that the government has created an entire generation a “deserve level” people, no wonder we are all broke, or broken! Let’s support education, jobs and increase the number of citizens that appreciate being able to choose and use any doctor or insurance they want. Can it all be that bad?

My husband had cancer. I understand the kind of medical bills that devastate a family. We didn’t starve. He had saved money for years. He has a job and has insurance through his company. Oh he pays for his insurance. We didn’t spend money during that time, we stayed at home. BUT we didn’t have any assistance. We both worked. Some can’t and I understand. Insurance companies have decided that they can control healthcare costs. Well actually insurance companies decided they can use all kinds of methods to get rich. It was successful. So people “had” to have insurance to have health care. Let me think about that one. Vicious circle!

I wish I had the answer. I wish all people could have insurance and health care they deserve. I wish, but I can’t fix it. Do you know someone who can? Send them to Washington!

It’s my American Dream!

The Many Faces of Fraud

The Many Faces of Fraud

In our day to day visits of practices, we often notice duties that are being performed by employees that we prefer not to see them do at all. We make suggestions, offering caution to the employer.

There are many faces of fraud. Most often we discover money fraud which is most recognizable by balance sheets and reports. There are many more fraudulent activities to be aware of.

Cell use on company time, steals production. If a text or call distracts the employee from his or her responsibilities, it is stealing. We have so much abuse in this area that we have a ZERO Tolerance policy with cell use in a practice. The phones go unanswered, patients wait, Accounts Receivables are ignored. Insurance Aging reports go for months with no followup.

If the employee does shopping for the practice, that leaves you wide open for fraud. What dentist looks at their receipt to verify purchases? Or possibly the employee does their own shopping while shopping for the practice. Credit Card abuse if very common!

The employee hired to pay the Accounts Payable? Recently we were told by a client that his office manager had direct instructions to pay the entire balance of the office credit card every month. She wasn’t! He used his card to purchase gas and it was declined! He returned to the practice and went online. The balance was over $30,000! He had paid $10,000 in interest in the last 20 months. That is fraud.

Employees have been found doing family treatment and writing it off. Or they come on weekends and perform treatment avoiding the income for the office all together. This has also been discovered recently that they discounted often to “zero”, all treatment for friends.

Materials and supplies are being taken home for personal use! Fraud!

I actually investigated for a doctor once in Austin, Texas. I was asked to just come in and see if I could find anything. Well it appeared that the Front Desk person was filing Insurance and having the checks sent to the family member for two years. What is wrong with that? The family members were not patients and had never been in the practice at all. The family was receiving $1500 a year a piece in benefit payments! Insurance Fraud!

We discovered a Front Desk that was taking all cash payments and writing off the accounts! It was discovered by looking at the DELETED Transaction File. She was showing a discount for cash payment but not actually offering the patient the discount. She was taking the difference.

Please don’t think I am constantly looking for fraud. My position is the create systems where the team is successful and they would never violate the practice with fraud. We just happen to observe unusual acts sometimes. Especially in searching REPORTS. Life happens and one in three dentists have experienced fraud. One in one thousand actually ever know it!

How many more ideas would you need? Fraud is a dishonest act causing loss by the employee to the business. Protect yourself. We all hire “honest” employees. Checks and balances are required to maintain honesty. A third party should handle Quick Books, not an employee. For more conversation or information on this subject, please contact us at Dental Practice by Design.

The Dress of Success!

The Dress of Success!

Dr. Lori Logan of Cypress Texas is Dental Practice by Design’s star client! Dr. Logan and her beautiful team dress for success! What does she do differently than others? LISTENS! She actually believes what we tell her and moves forward from there. They have experienced life changing differences in both personal and professional lives! Dr. Logan will have her most successful year in Dentistry this year, 2013!

Congratulations Dr. Logan and Team!

The Masters!

The Masters!

Dr. Bill Blatchford, Shelly Burnett, Sherran Strong Bard and Dr. Paul Homoly attending the 2013 American Dental Association Meeting in New Orleans. Dr. Blatchford, Dr. Homoly and Dr. Howard Farran spoke on Leadership. To become a Master of Leadership Training, Dental Practice by Design went to class! If you can’t learn from the greatest leaders ever, you can’t learn. It was an afternoon of suggestion, dedication and direction from the best in the industry. You must hang out or around those you want to mold your life to emulate. Shelly and I attended ADA New Orleans and had a wonderful experience. Being in the room with so much knowledge, a life’s ambition.

If you aren’t studying from people smarter than you, you have lowered your own standard!